Entrance exams are a vital component to get into London’s leading private, independent and home county grammar schools. We have a team of tutors dedicated to just entrance exam preparation, which allows them to be industry experts at what they do. The team has an incredible track record at getting students into the finest schools across the UK, and our plan is to get even better. We don’t believe in having an all-round entrance exam tutor, and this is why we have different specialised tutors for the English and Verbal Reasoning preparation, and specialised tutors just for Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. This is the same with our 13+ preparation where we recommend different tutors for each exam. It’s a technique that we have been using for decades, and it is this technique that has allowed us to polish our track record.
Our library of resources available to our tutors means that our students go through ample preparation before the exam. This allows the student to gain confidence and gain familiarity with the exam, allowing them to excel on the final exam day.